Saturday, September 5, 2009


Hey everyone! Yesterday Syd had her lesson while Carly was at a sleepover! So we really concentrated on jumping since she's a pro at the flat, who wouldnt be when thats what you practice pretty much everyday? So she was doing excellent. She had her stridings down and she was able to lengthen and shorten his stride to fit the lines. Her two point was perfect as always, but we did have to work on staying up in two point longer since she was jumping higher! I set up a little oxard probably 2'ft. She jumped that amazingly so when she wasnt looking I raised it a hole to 2'3. She came around and jumped it again and I was blown away at how great she did! I told her after she was done and she was sooooo happy! I'm so proud of how great she is doing. I got on Bodie afterward and he's been on a calmer for the past few weeks and he was amazing! He did everything I asked. I rode him in side reins and he's been lunged in them before so it wasnt new to him. He did excellent. The barn is red now!!!! It absolutley looks amazing and pretty much brand new! Today Barry, my mom, and linda are gonna roll the inside. I'm planning on riding Bodie, Badger, and Steady today so lots of horses to ride! ***Sara***

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